Hos CEGO A/S søger vi løbende nye medarbejdere. Vil du ansøge uopfordret og have størst chance for at blive kontaktet først ved kommende jobs, eller ønsker du at ansøge som elev eller praktikant, så udfyld nedenstående formular, og bliv optaget i vores talentbank.

Dine stamdata

Aktuel status
Hvilken uddannelse er du igang med?
Senest afsluttet uddannelseniveau


Hvilke jobtyper er du interesseret i?
Hvilke stillingsområder har din interesse?
Hvad vil du gerne ansøge som?
Har du erfaring med QA?
Har du erfaring med kundeservice/support?
Har du erfaring med systemadministration?
Har du erfaring med lyddesign?
Hvor mange års erfaring har du med bogføring?
URL til portfolio (valgfri)
URL til profil på GitHub, BitBucket eller lign. (valgfri)
Kender du en person i CEGO? Hvis ja, hvem?


Upload CV
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Upload ansøgning
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Upload evt. andre dokumenter (valgfri)
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When you apply for a job at, CEGO A/S you consent to that Cego A/S may store your application, CV and other documents received for up to 6 months in order for you to be taken into consideration for any future positions with us. 

We encourage all relevant candidates to apply for the position, but please note that personal data such as CPR and health information are not relevant to the application phase and must not be forwarded.

You may at any time withdraw your consent by contacting us by e-mail at compliance@cego.dk, or physically at CEGO A/S, Lauritzens Plads 1, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark. If you do so, we will delete your application unless we have another legal basis to store the information, e.g. if the information is necessary to establish, exercise or defend a legal claim.

CEGO A/S is the data controller for the processing of your application and other information. For more information about how we process your personal information and your individual rights, including your right of access, please see our privacy policy here: Privacy policy for job applicants